
STOP! If you have ever done business with us or your family already has an account, please try to log into your account first. Duplicate households will create registration issues.

New households will need to be approved by the Recreation Department for residency before you are able to process any activities to include Golf tee times..

**Please add your children to your household NOW. Birth Certificates will be required before they start to participate. ***If we have to add your children after your household is created, their birth certificate will be required before we can add them.*** Thank you.

Process takes up to 48 hours.

Create New Household

New Account Information

Household Primary Person Information

Additional Primary Person Information. Please add family members or children NOW. Adding after account is created will require staff to add.

Household Questions

Additional Family Member. Please add family members or children NOW. Adding after account is created will require staff to add, and birth ceritifcate must be supplied with request.

Emergency Contacts